Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Packages in Trivandrum

Rejuvenation Programme

This is a unique therapy in the science of ayurveda. It keeps the body young and agile even after one has passed his/her youth. Charaka says this therapy extends one's lifespan by many years. It enhances one's energy and is even known to have cured the sick. It also increases a healthy person's mental and physical capabilities. It is known to have improve skin complexion and texture, modulates the voice and increases sensing capacity of sense organs.Other benefits of rejuvenation therapy are long life, increase in Memory, good health, young looks, glowing skin, modulated voice, calmness and resistance to disease
In this stressful, over-busy and toxic world, our natural health, happiness and the inner sense of wellbeing are masked by the accumulation of impurities. These impurities or toxins causes deterioration of normal body functioning. A rejuvenation therapy can revitalize senses, detoxify the body, restore good health and young look and even increase resistance to diseases.
  • Rejuvenation keeps body young and agile
  • Preserve health and longevity
  • Increase physical and mental capabilities
  • Improves skin complexion
  • Increase in memory power
  • Increase immunity and Resistances to diseases
  • Increase the sensing capacity of sense organs.